
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pin It and Thrift It!

I love going to Pinterest for outfit inspiration (check out my Pinterest here!), reading other fashion blogs, etc. But what I don't love is clicking on the links of awesome outfits to find out that the prices are wayyyyy out of my clothing budget (...which should realistically hover as close to $0 as possible). 

So instead of dwelling on the fact that I can't afford most (or any) of what I'm pinning, I make it a mental challenge to look for items close to those that I've pinned and use that as a guide for what to thrift for (seems like the logical thing to do). 

Today I found a great deal on an outfit I pinned from The Northeast Girl (left picture). Her vest from the Gap retailed for $79.95, and her gingham button down is from J. Crew Factory, retailed at $59.50, rounding out for a total of $139 for the top half of the outfit.

Right photo: Red Land's End vest (Goodwill, $2.95),
navy Abercrombie & Fitch ginghambutton-down (Goodwill, $3)

I was surprised how easy this one was to find at Goodwill, and how close it looks to my original inspiration. The red Land's End vest was a steal at under $3--they are usually around $70, so it's safe to say I was pretty happy when I came across it. The A&F gingham was a great find as well--while I know Abercrombie screams middle/high school, I'm not ashamed to use the brand's clothes especially when it comes to basics. I can see myself layering this button down under a solid colored sweater with a statement necklace or with a different colored vest--I'm happy to have finally found a gingham shirt after searching for one for quite a while! Overall, I'd say for $6 I was able to come pretty darn close to my original inspiration!

The feeling you get when you find
 EXACTLY what you were looking for :)

And just as a heads up, I've been on a thrift hunt for vests lately, so don't be surprised if you see a few more in the near future :)

Happy Thrifting!!

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